Some words about Innovation.

Innovation means development, so many people commonly has misunderstanding concepts about Intellectual Property; effectively IP is a trust but a legal trust allowed and enforced by governments. The main goal is give to the investor and researcher the right to have a kind of economical retribution of their investments (time, resources and research).
Specifically talking about Industrial Property, the highest interest of government is to push enterprises and individual searchers is to give the opportunity to continue growing up Innovation for Society Development.
Mexico is not recognized like the most High Tech country, is not at the top of the International Patent list but… What is the current situation in Mexico?
Public and Private Universities has a very interesting Innovation background and team, researches, students incubators, Investigation Centers, etc. This part is one of the most representatives on the national patent list; nevertheless Universities should adapt their new carriers to the actual reality and technology pushing their faculty on the correct way. Obviously the top of the patent list are International or transnational Enterprises.
Mexico still depends of the Foreign Industrial Property and Innovation this situation is very expensive for country. The principal problem is the government and private investment on local innovation. The big Centers of Investigation needs more economic resources, Mexican enterprises must believe more in innovation capacity of Mexican students and investigators and government needs wake up to the reality that Innovation is the motor of economy.
IMPI, The Mexican Institute of Industrial Property is the other main actor at this innovation game; some years ago IMPI works on the capacitation of the Little Entrepreneurs, Investors, students and researchers about their rights, about protection of their creations and transfer. Is very interested to pushing and protect Mexican Innovation. However it needs work intimal with other government authorities in order to guaranty the protection of Industrial Property rights.
The conclusion is Mexican patents number is 5,000 approximately until ten years; we must in emergency elevate this number, working together Universities, Government, Investors and Public, innovation is the correct way to develop societies, innovation cost, innovation need protection, innovation need economic retribution in order to continue to working on, innovation need enforcement  but innovation need public understanding too. 

Cynthia Solís
